Toyota Set to Dodge Earnings Nightmare Caused by Chips Crisis

Investors should see two scenarios playing out among automakers in Japan this week as the nation’s biggest car manufacturers report their financial results.
On one side is Toyota Motor Corp., which thanks to its forward supply-chain planning has weathered the pandemic relatively well. On the other, everyone else, mired in a morass of factory closures due to the global chip shortage.
Toyota, which owns around 3% of Renesas and is one of the company’s largest customers, even sent workers to its Naka plant in eastern Japan in an attempt to keep its own supply chain alive. “Renesas largely owes Toyota” because Toyota supported the chipmaker after Japan’s 2011 earthquake and recent fire, said Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at Carnorama. “In a way, it has an obligation.”

2021年5月11日 00:00 Bloomberg News USより抜粋


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