Articles/過去掲載記事アーカイブ 2011


2011/11/11 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋

11月11日(ブルームバーグ):電線や自動車関連部品などを手掛ける住友電気工業は、開発した ナトリウムイオンの新型蓄電池を電気自動車(EV)やハイブリッド車(HV)などの乗用車 への搭載を目指す方針だ。自動車事業担当の西田光男専務が明らかにした。 西田専務は9日に大阪市内の本社でのインタビューで、この新型蓄電池について、乗用車への 搭載も「やりたいと思っている」と明かした上で、技術的にも「使えると思う」と話した。 家庭用蓄電池やバスなど商用車への適用を想定してきたが、用途が乗用車に広がると 「台数が稼げてボリュームが大きい」などのメリットがあると指摘した。
住友電工は2013年度から5カ年の中期計画を策定中で、西田氏は数年後から納入を始め、 計画が終わる17年度までに売り上げを計上できるようにしたいと期待を示した。
住友電工は3月、電解液に溶融塩(ナトリウムイオン)のみを用いた蓄電池を開発したと 発表。高いエネルギー密度や、不燃性材料で安全性が高いなどの特徴があるという。

自動車調査会社、カノラマの宮尾健アナリストは、車載用リチウムイオン電池につい てコストが高いなどの課題を抱えていると指摘。自動車各社が「コストを先々に 吸収できるめどが立たない恐れがあり、いい代替品があれば乗り換えたいと考 えているのは確か」と述べた。
  住友電工の蓄電池については技術の詳細が現時点では不明で、自動車各社も 独自の方式の電池開発を進めていることから、「コストが安いというだけで、 カーメーカーが最終的に採用するかはわからない」と話した。

Last Updated: 2011/11/11 14;07 JST

2011/11/11 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
Sumitomo May Expand Sodium-Ion Battery Sales to Carmakers

Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. (5802) plans to sell a sodium-ion battery it is developing to makers of electric and hybrid passenger cars, expanding beyond the original target of commercial-vehicle fleet operators. “Technically, it should be possible,” Mitsuo Nishida, a senior managing director at the Osaka-based company, said in an interview. “We can expect overall sales of the batteries to be boosted because we are now targeting a much big sector of the automotive market.”
Sumitomo, which supplies electrical wiring to Toyota Motor Corp. and Volkswagen AG, said in March it developed a cheaper alternative to lithium-ion batteries that uses liquefied salt as an electrolyte. It aims to begin production of the batteries in 2015 and targets revenue of more than 1 trillion yen ($13 billion), Chief Executive Officer Masayoshi Matsumoto said at the time. Nishida this week said he expects the technology to start producing revenue no later than 2017.

Carmakers are concerned lithium-ion batteries will be too expensive and are looking for alternatives, said
Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at consulting company Carnorama in Tokyo.
“They are developing various types of batteries on their own so we don’t know whether they would need to buy from Sumitomo,” Miyao said. “There is still much unknown about the quality of the company’s new battery.”


Last Updated: 2011/11/11 15;04 JST

2011/11/02 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋

11月2日(ブルームバーグ):仏ルノーと資本・業務提携関係にある日産自動車は2日、 今期(2012年3月期)連結業績予想を上方修正し、純利益を従来の2700億円から2900億円に見直した。 前期比では9.2%減。販売計画を引き上げたことなどを反映した。 今期予想の売上高は前期比7.7%増の9兆4500億円、営業利益が同5.1%減の5100億円といずれも 従来予想を引き上げた。今期計画の世界販売は従来比3.3%増の475万台とし、内訳は日本が同4.9%増、 北米は同1.5%増、欧州が同6.0%増、中国は同8.7%増など。為替前提は1ドル=79.9円(従来80円)、 1ユーロ=111.9円(同115円)。
日産自の志賀俊之最高執行責任者(COO)は決算会見で、洪水による部品調達難で停止している タイ工場の生産を14日から部分的に再開する準備を進めていると語った。一方、西川廣人副社長は、 タイで生産し逆輸入している「マーチ」について、日本での納期が2週間程度遅れることを想定し ていると述べた。 タイでは部品サプライヤーの約120社が浸水し、今後さらに120社程度に浸水の可能性があるという。 影響を受けた部品は当初3500を超えていたが、代替品調達などを進めて、タイ工場の生産を部分的 に再開できる見込み。生産への影響はタイで4万台のほか、日本で2万台程度になる可能性があり、 今期業績予想に織り込んでいるという。一方、欧米の生産に影響はないとしている。

自動車調査会社カノラマの宮尾健アナリストは、今期業績予想の上方修正について、タイ洪水の影響が 「それほど大きくないということだろう」と述べた。日産自は東日本大震災の影響から立ち直るのも 早かったと指摘した上で、単なるまぐれではなく、災害に対する経営陣の対応を評価するべきだとの見解を示した。
米国の調査会社IHSオートモーティブの川野義昭アナリストは「日産にとってタイは 小型車マーチなどを生産する重要な生産拠点」と述べた上で「それでも部品調達は世界 各地に分散していることからトヨタ自動車やホンダに比べて洪水による影響度合いは少なくて済んでいる」と指摘した。

Last Updated: 2011/11/02 18;14 JST

2011/11/02 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
Nissan Raises Profit Forecast, Beats Toyota

Nissan Motor Co., Japan’s second- biggest automaker, raised its profit forecast as it recovered faster than Toyota Motor Corp. and Honda Motor Co. from the country’s record earthquake in March.
Net income will be 290 billion yen ($3.7 billion) in the year ending March 31, or 7.4 percent higher than its earlier forecast, the Yokohama-based company said in a statement today. Second-quarter profit exceeded analysts’ estimates.
Nissan raised its annual sales forecast after it sold more Sunny sedans in China, while Toyota and Honda delivered fewer cars globally last quarter. Chief Executive Officer Carlos Ghosn is now stepping up his efforts to expand in China as he seeks to boost Nissan’s share of the world’s biggest automobile market fivefold to 10 percent by 2016.

“Nissan’s management was very fast in responding to the disasters and that should be credited,” said
Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at consulting firm Carnorama in Tokyo.
“It wasn’t just luck.” Nissan, the best-performing stock among Japan’s three biggest carmakers this year, fell 2.8 percent to 701 yen at the close of trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, before the earnings announcement.


Last Updated: 2011/11/02 17;24 JST

2011/09/20 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋



Last Updated: 2011/09/20 17;41 JST

2011/09/20 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
Nissan to Buy More Parts in China, South Korea to Cut Costs

Nissan Motor Co. will buy more parts from China and South Korea for use in a Japanese plant as the strength of the yen makes imports of components cheaper.
Chief Executive Officer Carlos Ghosn said today that as much as 90 percent of parts for use in production in its Kyushu plant in southwest Japan will be sourced from nearby Asian countries and locally, compared with 70 percent now. The automaker may buy from Japanese suppliers that are producing in China to cut costs, he said.
Ghosn spoke to reporters during a factory tour in southwest Japan, where wages are lower than the national average. The government released its interim report today on measures to respond to the yen’s appreciation, including a proposal for “large” increases in subsidies for companies planning to build factories domestically.

“With the high yen, producing in Japan is obviously not efficient,” said Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at consulting company Carnorama in Tokyo. “It takes at least three years to open a factory anywhere, so to make cars in Kyushu for markets where Nissan doesn’t yet have a factory is a good decision.”


Last Updated: 2011/09/20 16;12 JST

2011/08/05 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋



Last Updated: 2011/08/05 11:01 JST

2011/08/04 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
GM Surpasses Toyota as World’s Largest Automaker on Japan Quake

General Motors Co. (GM) outsold Toyota Motor Corp. (7203) globally in the first six months to become the world’s largest automaker after the record March earthquake disrupted production in Japan.
GM sales rose 8.9 percent to 4.536 million units in the half-year ended June 30, the Detroit-based automaker said in a statement yesterday. That compares with 4.13 million units at second-ranked Volkswagen AG (VOW) and 3.71 million units for Toyota, including its luxury Lexus marque and affiliates Daihatsu Motor Co. and Hino Motors Ltd. (7205), according to statements by the companies.
Output at the Toyota City, Japan-based automaker slumped 23 percent to 3.37 million units in the half-year after the company halted production following the magnitude-9 temblor and tsunami in March. Toyota expects to enter a production recovery phase in September, one month earlier than previously announced, it said Aug. 2.
“Even if Toyota recovers production, it will take another few more months for sales to actually recover” as it takes time to deliver vehicles to dealers, said
Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at consulting company Carnorama in Tokyo. “Toyota’s sales may trail behind Volkswagen in the full-year as well.”


Last Updated: 2011/08/04 11:50 JST

2011/07/21 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋



Last Updated: 2011/07/21 15:41 JST

2011/07/21 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
Nissan’s Electric Auto Will Help Cook Dinner During Power Blackouts: Cars

Nissan Motor Co. and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. (7211) say their electric cars can be used for more than just going to the grocery store. Soon, the battery-powered vehicles may also help owners cook dinner during a blackout.
Mitsubishi is working to increase the 100-watt discharge capacity of its i-MiEV electric car, which can already power small gadgets such as mobile phones with the use of an optional accessory, to 1,500 watts. At that level, “you’d be able to power a rice cooker or a microwave,” said Yoshikazu Nakamura, head of the company’s electric-vehicle business.
The electricity shortage that caused rolling blackouts in Tokyo after an earthquake knocked out nuclear reactors in March is highlighting the usefulness of electric-car batteries as backup power sources, according to Nissan and Mitsubishi, the world’s two biggest makers of such vehicles. Rather than dent demand, the disaster may boost electric-car sales, said
Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at consulting company Carnorama in Tokyo.
“Electric cars now have the chance to demonstrate how useful their batteries can be,” Miyao said. “Electric vehicles have an advantage, more than ever.”
Tokyo Electric Power Co. has said electricity shortages this summer may lead to further scheduled outages after the March 11 earthquake crippled its Fukushima Dai-Ichi atomic power plant, causing the world’s worst nuclear accident in 25 years. Other reactors in Japan have also been halted for inspections and maintenance, exacerbating a national power shortage.


Last Updated: 2011/07/21 11:50 JST

2011/06/29 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋



Last Updated: 2011/06/29 10:59 JST

2011/06/29 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
Ghosn Gets 982 Million Yen as Nissan Posts Record Share

Nissan Motor Co. Chief Executive Officer Carlos Ghosn received 982 million yen or $11.46 million in total compensation last fiscal year, including salary and stock options, as the Japanese carmaker captured a record market share.
Ghosn, 57, who got a 10 percent increase in the year ended March, announced his compensation at Nissan’s annual shareholder meeting today. He is the highest-paid leader among Japanese companies that have disclosed executive compensation, according to Bloomberg data. He was followed by Sony Corp. (6758) Chairman Howard Stringer, who made about 863 million yen in salary, bonus and stock options, the electronics maker said yesterday.
Ghosn’s pay is lower than the average for global automotive companies, estimated at about $15.3 million by Towers Watson & Co. (TW), a U.S. benefits consultant. Ford Motor Co. (F) CEO Alan Mulally earned the most in the industry with about $26.5 million in 2010. Publicly traded Japanese companies are required by financial regulations to disclose compensation for executives who earn more than 100 million yen.
“Western companies see the need to provide higher incentives to top management than Japanese companies do,” said
Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at consulting company Carnorama in Tokyo. “They understand that well-performing management leads to good earnings results and they maintain adequate pay to make sure top managers don’t leave for another company.”


Last Updated: 2011/06/30 01:28 JST

2011/06/27 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋

中期計画によると、ブラジルでは新工場を建設し、まず20万台の生産能力を確保する予定。ブラジルの市場占有率は現在の1.2%から5%を狙う。ゴーン氏はインタビューで、ブラジル新工場の生産車両販売を13年末までに開始したいと語った。 また、ゴーン氏は会見で、東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)の市場占有率を現在の6%から15%に引き上げる計画と語った。さらに、日産自・ルノー連合はロシアで自動車会社アフトワズの株式50%以上の取得を目指し、ルノーが大株主、日産自が少数株主となるという。

Last Updated: 2011/06/27 20;22 JST

2011/06/27 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
Nissan Aims to Boost Market Share, Margin

Nissan plans to boost its share from 5.8 percent in the year ended March 31 and to widen its operating profit margin to 8 percent from 6.1 percent by fiscal 2016, the Yokohama-based carmaker said in a midterm plan announced today. The company will introduce 51 new models over the next six years as it aims to capture 10 percent of global luxury-car sales, according to the plan. Nissan will also build a new plant in Brazil.
The automaker plans to increase sales in emerging economies and to capture a larger share of the high-margin luxury-car market as growth slows in Japan. Nissan aims to control 10 percent of China’s auto market by fiscal 2016, compared with 6.2 percent now, it said today.
“Nissan’s growth in China is still steady, even as overall growth is gradually slowing down,” said
Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at consulting company Carnorama in Tokyo. “Their scenario for expanding in emerging markets such as Russia and South America looks solid, too, with plans to build factories in Brazil and India.”
The company aims for a 25 percent payout dividend ratio in the six-year period, Chief Executive Officer Carlos Ghosn said.


Last Updated: 2011/06/27 16:25 JST

2011/06/06 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋




Last Updated: 2011/06/06 00;01 JST

2011/06/06 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
BMW Tops Toyota in Japan as Quake Hits Lexus

The record March 11 earthquake in Japan had an unexpected side effect for Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) dealer Jun Kubota: His showroom in central Tokyo had its best April in at least three years. Kubota wasn’t alone. Across the country, as Japanese carmakers reeled from output disruptions following the quake, BMW deliveries surged 56 percent in April, while sales of Toyota Motor Corp. (7203)’s Lexus brand fell 45 percent. Sales of all imported foreign brands rose 21 percent even as the overall auto market shrank 47 percent. “Customers have told me some Lexus models won’t arrive until November,” said Kubota, sales manager at the BMW dealership in Tokyo’s Aoyama district. “So we’re hearing some people say, ‘You know, I’ve always wanted to try a BMW.’” A shortage of cars built in Japan will increase the market share of imports, which made up 180,255 units, or just 4 percent, of local passenger-car sales last year, said Nicholas Speeks, president of Mercedes-Benz Japan Co. Damage to parts makers from the disaster forced domestic automakers to produce at half of planned levels, causing delivery delays of as long as a year for some models.

''Imported foreign brands are offering sales campaigns, while domestic automakers are advertising less due to lack of inventories'' this year, said
Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at consulting company Carnorama in Tokyo


Last Updated: 2011/06/06 00;01 JST

2011/04/22 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋



Last Updated: 2011/04/22 17:13 JST

2011/04/22 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
Toyota Says Global Output Will Return to Normal by November or December

Toyota, Honda Motor Co. and Nissan Motor Co. are working to restore full plant operations in Japan and at factories abroad that are running short of parts. Renesas Electronics Corp., a chipmaker that has 30 percent of the world market for microcontrollers used in cars, said today it will restart a damaged factory ahead of schedule, helping Toyota to form its production plan.
“Renesas has a big impact on the car industry,” said
Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at consultant Carnorama. “The announcement must have led Toyota to decide it can normalize by the end of the year.”
Toyota may lose production of 300,000 vehicles in Japan and 100,000 units of overseas auto production through the end of April due to quake-related shutdowns, Executive Vice President Atsushi Niimi told reporters today in Tokyo. The company is unlikely to meet its full-year global production target of 7.7 million units, he said.


Last Updated: 2011/04/22 18:12 JST

2011/04/11 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋

自動車調査会社、カノラマの宮尾健アナリストは自動車各社の生産態勢について「定常操業にはほど遠い」と指摘する。 震災で寸断されたサプライチェーンが100%回復しておらず、「部品の供給状況を見極めながら、だまし、だまし生産している状態」 で今後、部品供給に問題が生じれば生産再停止の可能性は「十分にある」と述べた。

カノラマの宮尾氏は、パワーウィンドーなど車の電子系統に使用するマイコンと呼ばれる製品で高シェアを持つ半導体メーカー、 ルネサスエレクトロニクスの那珂工場(茨城県)からの供給がストップしているほか、茨城県鹿島市や福島県いわき市の コンビナートにある化学プラントが震災で被害を受けたことも影響していると指摘する。
宮尾氏は「化学品は基礎的な製品になるほど代替がききやすいが、代替がどの程度可能かについては分からない」と述べた上で、 何らかの問題で化学品の供給が途絶えるなど「悪いシナリオも想定しておく必要があるだろう」と話した。

Last Updated: 2011/04/11 18:26 JST

2011/03/25 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
Toyota To Resume Prius Production in Japan; Honda Extends Plant Closures

“Toyota has probably secured parts that will enable it to produce those models for a sustained period of time,” said
Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at consulting company Carnorama in Tokyo. “Starting and stopping production is the last thing carmakers want to do because of the costs involved.”


Last Updated: 2011/03/25 5:59 JST

2011/03/16 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋

 日産自のウェブサイトによると、九州工場ではティアナやエクストレイル、サニーなどの車を製造。輸出車も手掛けている。2010年4月時点の従業員数は約3600人。 日産自は東日本大震災の影響で、九州工場のほか追浜工場(神奈川県横須賀市)、日産車体湘南工場(神奈川県平塚市)、横浜工場(横浜市)の生産を16日まで停止するほか、栃木工場(栃木県上三川町)、エンジンを生産するいわき工場(福島県いわき市)の操業を18日まで停止すると発表している。

Last Updated: 2011/03/16 13:06 JST

2011/03/16 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
Nissan May Partially Resume Output in Kyushu, Analyst Says

Nissan Motor Co., Japan’s second- biggest carmaker, may partially resume production in Kyushu, southern Japan as early as tomorrow, an analyst said.
Nissan’s Kyushu plant, which produces the Tiana sedan, X- Trail sport-utility vehicle and Sunny compact car, will have the parts needed to start output, said
Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at Carnorama, citing information he received on March 15 from the automaker’s suppliers.
The Yokohama-based automaker has halted operations at all six Japanese plants after the earthquake off the coast of Sendai, northern Japan on March 11. Nissan spokeswoman Sachi Inagaki declined to comment on whether the automaker will resume operation at its Kyushu plant.
Miyao said production at the Kyushu plant “may not last long” as the carmaker will have limited inventories of parts. “The earthquake is by far the worst damage the auto industry has had from a natural disaster,” he said.


Last Updated: 2011/03/16 13:06 JST

2011/03/10 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
Toyota Pushes U.S. Image Boost, Emerging-Market Gains

The U.S. government said last month it had concluded its review of unintended acceleration issues in Toyota vehicles. The company may still face more recalls, said
Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at Carnorama in Tokyo. “Recalls from shifting their production lines overseas will continue until at least 2013,” Miyao said.


Last Updated: 2011/03/10 15:14 JST

2011/03/09 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋


Last Updated: 2011/03/09 19:35 JST

2011/03/09 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
Toyota's Profit May Trail Honda for Third Year as Recalls Crimp Recovery

“Toyota is still carrying the negative impact from the recalls and is struggling with its profitability compared with other carmakers,” said
Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at consulting company Carnorama in Tokyo.


Last Updated: 2011/03/09 11:37 JST

2011/03/09 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋


Last Updated: 2011/03/09 10:08 JST

2011/02/17 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋




Last Updated: 2011/02/17 00:00 JST

2011/02/09 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
Toyota's Profit May Trail Honda for Third Year as Recalls Crimp Recovery

“Toyota is still carrying the negative impact from the recalls and is struggling with its profitability compared with other carmakers,”
said Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at consulting company Carnorama in Tokyo.


Last Updated: 2011/02/09 11:37 JST

2011/02/09 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋


Last Updated: 2011/02/09 00:01 JST

2011/02/08 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋より抜粋


Last Updated: 2011/02/08 18:30 JST

2011/02/08 BLOOMBERG-NEWSより抜粋
Top Stories: Business and Finance

"Toyota is still carrying the negative impact from the recalls, and is struggling with its profitability compared with other carmakers," said
Takeshi Miyao, an analyst at consulting company Carnorama in Tokyo.


Last Updated: 2011/02/08 23:35 GMT


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